Cyber Threat Intelligence

Our Cyber Threat Intelligence services are designed to stay ahead of emerging threats and protect your digital assets proactively. We utilize state-of-the-art technologies such as Group-IB, ThreatConnect, Resecurity, and Digital Shadows to provide real-time threat detection, analysis, and response. Our comprehensive approach includes monitoring global threat landscapes, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and delivering actionable intelligence to mitigate risks. By integrating these advanced tools, we ensure your business remains resilient against cyber-attacks, safeguarding your critical data and maintaining the integrity of your operations. Trust Zabtech to provide unparalleled protection through our cutting-edge Cyber Threat Intelligence services.


Our GROUP-IB Security service delivers state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions designed to protect your organization from sophisticated cyber threats. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of GROUP-IB, a global leader in cyber intelligence and threat detection, we provide comprehensive protection against cyber attacks, fraud, and intellectual property theft. GROUP-IB's cutting-edge technologies offer real-time threat intelligence, incident response, and proactive threat hunting, ensuring your organization stays ahead of emerging threats. By integrating GROUP-IB's powerful tools and expertise into our security framework, we deliver unparalleled protection, safeguarding your digital assets and maintaining the resilience of your IT infrastructure.


Our Resecurity Security service offers cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions designed to protect your organization from advanced threats and vulnerabilities. Utilizing Resecurity's industry-leading technology, we provide comprehensive threat intelligence, risk management, and incident response capabilities. Resecurity excels in predictive threat intelligence, leveraging AI and machine learning to anticipate and mitigate potential attacks before they occur. Their robust platform also offers advanced monitoring and analytics, ensuring real-time visibility into your security landscape. By integrating Resecurity into our cybersecurity framework, we ensure your digital assets are fortified against even the most sophisticated cyber threats, providing peace of mind and robust protection for your IT infrastructure.


Our ThreatConnect Security service offers an advanced cybersecurity solution that empowers your organization with proactive threat intelligence and coordinated defense strategies. Utilizing ThreatConnect's comprehensive platform, we deliver real-time threat analysis, automated response capabilities, and actionable intelligence to safeguard your digital assets. ThreatConnect's integration of threat data from multiple sources, combined with its robust analytics and machine learning capabilities, enables precise threat detection and mitigation. By incorporating ThreatConnect into our security services, we enhance your organization's ability to anticipate, identify, and respond to cyber threats swiftly and effectively, ensuring a resilient and secure IT environment.

Digital Shadows

Our Digital Shadows Security service provides unparalleled protection for your organization by delivering comprehensive digital risk management and threat intelligence solutions. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of Digital Shadows, we offer continuous monitoring of your digital footprint, identifying and mitigating risks before they escalate into significant threats. Digital Shadows excels in detecting and analyzing cyber threats across the open, deep, and dark web, providing actionable intelligence to protect your sensitive information and assets. By integrating Digital Shadows into our cybersecurity framework, we ensure your organization remains resilient against data breaches, brand damage, and other cyber threats, safeguarding your digital presence with precision and expertise.

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